@echo OFF
     set JOB_NAME=PSWA2EW2
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *        This Job Script is provided by SimoTime Technologies       *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2020 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
rem  *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Read ASC Record Sequential, write EBC Record Sequential.
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   - January 24, 1996
rem  *
rem  * The job will read an ASCII-encoded Record Sequential file (RSEQ)
rem  * containing fixed-length records of 1024 bytes. This job will create
rem  * a new EBCDIC-encoded  Record Sequential file (RSEQ) containing
rem  * fixed-length records of 1024 bytes.
rem  * Both files will maintain the numeric integrity for the packed
rem  * decimal numeric formats.
rem  *
rem  *    ************
rem  *    * PSWA2EW1 *
rem  *    ********cmd*
rem  *         *
rem  *         *
rem  *    ************
rem  *    * ENV1BASE *
rem  *    ********cmd*
rem  *         *
rem  *         *
rem  *    ************
rem  *    * SIMONOTE *
rem  *    ********cmd*
rem  *         *
rem  *         *
rem  *    ************
rem  *    *   RUN    *---------------------------*
rem  *    ********rts*                           *
rem  *         *           ************     ************     ************
rem  *         *           *  SYSUT1  *-----* PSWA2EC1 *--*--*  SYSUT2  *
rem  *         *           *  Note-1  *     ********cbl*  *  *  Note-2  *
rem  *         *           *******rseq*                   *  *******rseq*
rem  *         *                                          *
rem  *         *                                          *  ************
rem  *         *                                          *--*  SYSOUT  *
rem  *         *                                             *  Note-3  *
rem  *         *                                             *******lseq*
rem  *    ************
rem  *    *   EOJ    *
rem  *    ************
rem  *
rem  *    Note-1: SYSUT1 is an ASCII-encoded, record sequential (RSEQ)
rem  *            file.
rem  *
rem  *    Note-2: SYSUT2 is an EBCDIC-encoded, record sequential (RSEQ)
rem  *            file.
rem  *
rem  *    Note-3: SYSOUT is an ASCII-encoded, line sequential (LSEQ)
rem  *            file.
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step 1, Set Environment Variables
rem  *         Delete any previously created EBCDIC-encoded file...
rem  *
     call ..\ENV1BASE
rem  *
     call SIMONOTE "*******************************************************************************%JOB_NAME%"
     call SIMONOTE "* Starting JobName %JOB_NAME%, User is %USERNAME% "
     call SIMONOTE "* Job_Step 01 of 03, Preparing System and Job Environment"
     set SYSOUT=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSOUT_%JOB_NAME%.txt
     set SYSUT1=%BaseLib1%\DATA\ASC1\NVPSWDD1.DAT
     set SYSUT2=%BaseLib1%\DATA\EBC1\NVPSWDD2.DAT
     if exist %SYSUT2% del %SYSUT2%
rem  *
     call SIMONOTE "* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *"
     call SIMONOTE "* Job_Step 02 of 03, Read ASC-encoded RSEQ, create a new EBC-encoded RSEQ"
     call SIMONOTE "* DataTake SYSUT1=%SYSUT1% "
     call SIMONOTE "* DataMake SYSUT2=%SYSUT2% "
     run PSWA2EC1
     if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=0010
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0000" goto EOJTAG
     if exist %SYSUT2% goto EOJTAG
     set JobStatus=0020
     goto EOJTAG
     call SIMONOTE "* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *"
     call SIMONOTE "* Job_Step 03 of 03, End of Job Processing..."
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0000" goto EojNOK
     call SIMONOTE "* Produced  %SYSUT2% "
     call SIMONOTE "* Finished JOB_NAME %JOB_NAME%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :End
     call SIMONOTE "* ABENDING JOB_NAME %JOB_NAME%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :End
     call SIMONOTE "* Conclude SysOut is %SYSOUT% "
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause
     exit /B %JobStatus%