Hex Dump Program
EBCDIC or ASCII Interpretation
  Table of Contents  v-21.01.01 - jiohex01.htm 
  What it Does
  How to Use
  The CMD Files
  Purpose, Content from x'00' to x'FF'
  Execute Content from x'00' to x'FF'
  Review Content from x'00' to x'FF'
  Purpose, EBCDIC Input
  Execute Content is EBCDIC
  Review Content is EBCDIC
  Purpose, Segment with EBCDIC
  Execute Segment Content is EBCDIC
  Review Segment Content is EBCDIC
  Purpose, ASCII and Short Block
  Execute ASCII Input and Short Block
  Review ASCII Input and Short Block
  Software Agreement and Disclaimer
  Downloads and Links
  Current Server or Internet Access
  Internet Access Required
  Glossary of Terms
  Comments or Feedback
  Company Overview
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Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Introduction

This java utility program will describe and demonstrate techniques for accessing or viewing files of a known or unknown structure and content. The viewing (or human observation) is provided in a hexadecimal (or hex) dump format with a possible EBCDIC or ASCII translation.

We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.

Copyright © 1987-2021
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section What it Does

The following job scripts are used to describe and demonstate the functiuonality of the Hex-Dump Utility program. The job scripts will process files that include a variety of file structure and content.

1. JIOHEXW1 - This Job Script will run on a Windows System. The file content for the input file will contain 256 bytes of information that includes every bit combination (x'00' through x'FF') for a single byte of information.
1.1. Define the file names for the input (unknown structure or content) and output (Dump or Log) files
1.1.1. set UNIT_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\TABLE003.mod
1.1.2. set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt
2. JIOHEXW2 - This Job Script will run on a Windows System. The content of the input file will contain EBCDIC encoded data strings.
2.1. Define the file names for the input (unknown structure or content) and output (Dump or Log) files
2.1.2. set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt
3. JIOHEXW3 - This Job Script will run on a Windows System. The content of the input file will contain EBCDIC encoded data strings. The output will contain a partial dump of information based on the following environment variables.
3.1. Define the file names for the input (unknown structure or content) and output (Dump or Log) files
3.1.2. set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt
3.2. Define the partial segment of the file to be included in the dump processing.
3.2.1. set UNIT_CNTL_POS=0
3.2.2. set UNIT_CNTL_LEN=0
4. JIOHEXW4 - The file content for the input file will contain 77 bytes of ASCII information. The file size will cause the last block of dump information to be a short block.
4.1. Define the file names for the input (unknown structure or content) and output (Dump or Log) files
4.1.1. set UNIT_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\DATA\ASC1\BYTEINFO.dat
4.1.2. set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section How to Use

This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. If the jobs and programs are transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration then adjustments may be needed to execute.

If an environment is configured similar to a SimoTime environment then the batch jobs may be executed as described in the following sections of this document.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section The CMD Files

Windows Command Files are used as batch job scripts to prepare the job environment and execute the Java programs that perform the file access functions.

A job script may be executed from a File Explorer window by simply double-clicking on the Command File Member name.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Purpose, Content from x'00' to x'FF'

This Job Script will run on a Windows System. The file content for the input file will contain 256 bytes of information that includes every bit combination (x'00' through x'FF') for a single byte of information. The job performs the following three (3) job steps.

1. Prepare the Job and System environment.
2. Allocate the file and prepare for access.
2.1. Execute a Java program to access a file using byte stream I/O technique.
2.2. Use a "while" loop to sequentially read the bytes within a file.
2.3. For each 16-byte segment display and log the following on a single line.
2.3.1. Offset value of segment within file.
2.3.2. Hexadecimal dump information.
2.3.3. Possible EBCDIC character interpretation
2.3.4. Possible ASCII character interpretation
3. End of Job processing.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Execute Content from x'00' to x'FF'

The following shows the content of the batch job script.

@echo OFF
     set CmdName=JIOHEXW1
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *             Batch Job Script - a Windows Command File             *
rem  *       This Job Script is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2021 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
rem  *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Display HEX-Dump info to Console and Log File using Java.
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   - January 01, 2021
rem  *
rem  * This Job Script has been tested on a Windows System. The job will execute
rem  * execute a program that does the following.
rem  *
rem  *   1. Prepare the Job and System environment.
rem  *
rem  *   2. Execute a HEX_DUMP of a file with x'00' - x'FF'.
rem  *
rem  *   3. End of Job processing.
rem  *
rem  * For more information or questions please contact SimoTime
rem  * Technologies. The version control number is 21.00.00
rem  *
rem  * Our e-mail address is: helpdesk@simotime.com
rem  * Also, visit our Web Site at http://www.simotime.com
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  *                    ************
rem  *                    * JIOHEXW1 *
rem  *                    ********cmd*
rem  *                         *
rem  *                         *
rem  *   ************     ************     ************
rem  *   *  Note-1  *-----* jiohexs1 *--*--*  Note-2  *
rem  *   *******data*     *******java*  *  *******cons*
rem  *                         *        *
rem  *                         *        *
rem  *                         *        *  ************
rem  *                         *        *--*  Note-3  *
rem  *                         *           *******lseq*
rem  *                         *
rem  *                    ************
rem  *                    *   EOJ    *
rem  *                    ************
rem  *
rem  *   Note-1: UNIT_FULL_NAME is an input file of unknown structure and
rem  *           content.
rem  *   Note-2: System.out.println is used to post Hex_Dump information
rem  *           to the system console for immediate human observation.
rem  *   Note-3: LOGS_FULL_NAME information is written to a log file that
rem  *           may be viewed with a text editor of choice..
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step 1, Set the Environment...
rem  *
     call ..\ENV1BASE %CmdName%
     if "%SYSLOG%" == "" set syslog=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG
     set JobStatus=0
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 01 of 03, Preparing the System and Job environments"
     set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 02 of 03, Execute a HEX_DUMP of a file with x'00' - x'FF'"
     set UNIT_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\DATA\APPL\TABLE003.mod
     set UNIT_CNTL_POS=0
     set UNIT_CNTL_LEN=0
     call SIMONOTE "* SYSHX1_* is %LOGS_FULL_NAME% "
     java simpacks/jiohexs1
     if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=%ERRORLEVEL%
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJTAG
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 03 of 03, End of Job processing"
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJNOK
     call SimoNOTE "* Finished JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :EOJEND
     call SimoNOTE "* ABENDING JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Review Content from x'00' to x'FF'

The following is a example of information that is displayed to the console and written to a log file.

2020/10/17 00:36:05 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2020/10/17 00:36:05 * JIOHEXS1 HEX-Dump with EBC/ASC translate info v21.01.01 helpdesk@simotime.com
2020/10/17 00:36:05 * JIOHEXS1 SimoTime Test Case that illustrates a Java File Processing technique
2020/10/17 00:36:05 * UNITREAD=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\DATA\APPL\TABLE003.mod
2020/10/17 00:36:05 * UNITREAD Control information, Position=00000000, length=00000000
2020/10/17 00:36:05 * LOGSFILE=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\LOGS\SYSHX1_JIOHEXW1.txt
2020/10/17 00:36:05 * UNITREAD File Size......... 256, END
2020/10/17 00:36:05 offset.. hex..... ........ ........ ........ ebcdic.......... ascii...........
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000000 00010203 04050607 08090A0B 0C0D0E0F ................ ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000016 10111213 14151617 18191A1B 1C1D1E1F ................ ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000032 20212223 24252627 28292A2B 2C2D2E2F ................  !"#$%&'()*+,-./
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000048 30313233 34353637 38393A3B 3C3D3E3F ................ 0123456789:;<=>?
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000064 40414243 44454647 48494A4B 4C4D4E4F  ...........<(+| @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000080 50515253 54555657 58595A5B 5C5D5E5F &.........!$*);. PQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000096 60616263 64656667 68696A6B 6C6D6E6F -/........|,%_>? `abcdefghijklmno
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000112 70717273 74757677 78797A7B 7C7D7E7F .........`:#@'=" pqrstuvwxyz{.}~.
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000128 80818283 84858687 88898A8B 8C8D8E8F .abcdefghi.....+ ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000144 90919293 94959697 98999A9B 9C9D9E9F .jklmnopqr...... ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000160 A0A1A2A3 A4A5A6A7 A8A9AAAB ACADAEAF ..stuvwxyz...... ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000176 B0B1B2B3 B4B5B6B7 B8B9BABB BCBDBEBF ..........[].... ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000192 C0C1C2C3 C4C5C6C7 C8C9CACB CCCDCECF {ABCDEFGHI...... ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000208 D0D1D2D3 D4D5D6D7 D8D9DADB DCDDDEDF }JKLMNOPQR...... ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000224 E0E1E2E3 E4E5E6E7 E8E9EAEB ECEDEEEF ..STUVWXYZ...... ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 00000240 F0F1F2F3 F4F5F6F7 F8F9FAFB FCFDFEFF 0123456789...... ................
2020/10/17 00:36:05 * UNITREAD Close Count....... 256, END

Note: The following applies to the preceding lines of information. If position 21 contains an asterisk (*) then positions 21 - 98 are treated as informational text. The last line of information is a position indicator. The remaining lines of information contain the dump information.

The following shows the formatting of the file content for a hexadecimal dump line of information.

1. Date and Time stamp of when information was collected.
1.1. Position 01-10, Date stamp
1.2. Position 12 -19, Time stamp
2. Location of data within the file
2.1. Position 21-28, Offset value of data within the file
3. Content of data within the file
3.1. Position 30-64, Hexadecimal presentation of data within the file
3.1.1. Each single byte of data is presented using a two byte hexadecimal format.
3.1.2. The hexadecimal information is separated into four groups for easier interpretation during the human observation process.
3.2. Position 66-81, Possible EBCDIC character interpretation of data within the file
3.3. Position 83-98, Possible ASCII character interpretation of data within the file


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Purpose, EBCDIC Input

This Job Script will run on a Windows System. The file content for the input file will contain EBCDIC encoded data strings. The job performs the following three (3) job steps.

1. Prepare the Job and System environment.
2. Allocate the file and prepare for access.
2.1. Execute a Java program to access a file using byte stream I/O technique.
2.2. Use a "while" loop to sequentially read the bytes within a file.
2.3. For each 16-byte segment display and log the following on a single line.
2.3.1. Offset value of segment within file.
2.3.2. Hexadecimal dump information.
2.3.3. Possible EBCDIC character interpretation
2.3.4. Possible ASCII character interpretation
3. End of Job processing.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Execute Content is EBCDIC

The following shows the content of the batch job script.

@echo OFF
     set CmdName=JIOHEXW2
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *             Batch Job Script - a Windows Command File             *
rem  *       This Job Script is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2021 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
rem  *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Display HEX-Dump info to Console and Log File using Java.
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   - January 01, 2021
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step 1, Set the Environment...
rem  *
     call ..\ENV1BASE %CmdName%
     if "%SYSLOG%" == "" set syslog=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG
     set JobStatus=0
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 01 of 03, Preparing the System and Job environments"
rem  *
     set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 02 of 03, Execute a HEX_DUMP of a file with EBCDIC encoding"
     set UNIT_CNTL_POS=0
     set UNIT_CNTL_LEN=0
     call SIMONOTE "* SYSHX1_* is %LOGS_FULL_NAME% "
     java simpacks/jiohexs1
     if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=%ERRORLEVEL%
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJTAG
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 03 of 03, End of Job processing"
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJNOK
     call SimoNOTE "* Finished JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :EOJEND
     call SimoNOTE "* ABENDING JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Review Content is EBCDIC

The following is a example of information that is displayed to the console and written to a log file.

2020/10/19 23:43:02 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2020/10/19 23:43:02 * JIOHEXS1 HEX-Dump with EBC/ASC translate info v21.01.01 helpdesk@simotime.com
2020/10/19 23:43:02 * JIOHEXS1 SimoTime Test Case that illustrates a Java File Processing technique
2020/10/19 23:43:02 * UNITREAD=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\DATA\EBC1\SIMOTIME.DATA.CU0080D1.DAT
2020/10/19 23:43:02 * UNITREAD Control information, Position=0, length=0
2020/10/19 23:43:02 * LOGSFILE=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\LOGS\SYSHX1_JIOHEXW2.txt
2020/10/19 23:43:02 * UNITREAD File Size......... 2160, END
2020/10/19 23:43:02 offset.. hex..... ........ ........ ........ ebcdic.......... ascii...........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000000 F0F0F0F1 F0F040C1 95848599 A2969540 000100 Anderson  ......@........@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000016 40404040 4040C184 99898195 40404040       Adrian     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000032 F1F1F140 D7858183 88A39985 8540D793 111 Peachtree Pl ...@.........@..
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000048 81A98140 40404040 C1A39381 95A38140 aza     Atlanta  ...@@@@@.......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000064 40404040 404040C7 C140F2F6 F1F0F140        GA 26101  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000080 F0F0F0F2 F0F040C2 9996A695 40404040 000200 Brown     ......@.....@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000096 40404040 4040C289 93938985 40404040       Billie     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000112 F2F2F240 C2819285 9940C296 A49385A5 222 Baker Boulev ...@.....@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000128 81998440 40404040 C28193A3 89949699 ard     Baltimor ...@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000144 85404040 404040D4 C440F3F5 F7F0F240 e      MD 35702  .@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000160 F0F0F0F3 F0F040C3 8199A296 95404040 000300 Carson    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000176 40404040 4040C381 94859996 95404040       Cameron    @@@@@@.......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000192 F3F3F340 C3998595 A28881A6 40C293A5 333 Crenshaw Blv ...@........@...
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000208 844B4040 40404040 C3A49785 99A38995 d.      Cupertin .K@@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000224 96404040 404040C3 C140F9F6 F1F5F440 o      CA 96154  .@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000240 F0F0F0F4 F0F040C4 81A58984 A2969540 000400 Davidson  ......@........@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000256 40404040 4040C489 96954040 40404040       Dion       @@@@@@....@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000272 F4F4F440 D4818995 40E2A399 8585A340 444 Main Street  ...@....@......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000288 40404040 40404040 E6899394 899587A3         Wilmingt @@@@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000304 96954040 404040C4 C540F2F7 F3F2F340 on     DE 27323  ..@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000320 F0F0F0F5 F0F040C5 A5859985 A2A34040 000500 Everest   ......@.......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000336 40404040 4040C5A5 81954040 40404040       Evan       @@@@@@....@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000352 F5F5F540 F5E3C840 C1A58595 A4854040 555 5TH Avenue   ...@...@......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000368 40404040 40404040 D585A640 E8969992         New York @@@@@@@@...@....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000384 40404040 404040D5 E840F1F0 F3F4F140        NY 10341  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000400 F0F0F0F6 F0F040C6 99819592 93899540 000600 Franklin  ......@........@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000416 40404040 4040C699 81958389 A2404040       Francis    @@@@@@.......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000432 F6F6F640 F6F6E3C8 40C1A585 95A48540 666 66TH Avenue  ...@....@......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000448 40404040 40404040 C2858499 96839240         Bedrock  @@@@@@@@.......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000464 40404040 404040D5 E840F1F1 F9F0F340        NY 11903  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000480 F0F0F0F7 F0F040C7 819986A4 95928593 000700 Garfunkel ......@.........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000496 40404040 4040C7A6 85954040 40404040       Gwen       @@@@@@....@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000512 F7F7F740 F7F7E3C8 40E2A399 8585A340 777 77TH Street  ...@....@......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000528 40404040 40404040 D585A640 E8969992         New York @@@@@@@@...@....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000544 40404040 404040D5 E840F1F6 F5F3F940        NY 16539  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000560 F0F0F0F8 F0F040C8 81999989 A2969540 000800 Harrison  ......@........@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000576 40404040 4040C889 938199A8 40404040       Hilary     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000592 F8F8F840 F8F8E3C8 40E2A399 8585A340 888 88TH Street  ...@....@......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000608 40404040 40404040 D7968381 A3859393         Pocatell @@@@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000624 96404040 404040C9 C440F7F9 F6F8F440 o      ID 79684  .@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000640 F0F0F0F9 F0F040C9 A29385A8 40404040 000900 Isley     ......@.....@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000656 40404040 4040C9A2 81828593 40404040       Isabel     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000672 F9F9F940 F9F9E3C8 40C1A585 95A48540 999 99TH Avenue  ...@....@......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000688 40404040 40404040 C9958489 81958197         Indianap @@@@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000704 969389A2 404040C9 D540F3F8 F7F6F240 olis   IN 38762  ....@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000720 F0F0F1F0 F0F040D1 968895A2 96954040 001000 Johnson   ......@.......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000736 40404040 4040D181 94898540 40404040       Jamie      @@@@@@.....@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000752 F1F0F1F0 40D78199 818489A2 8540C499 1010 Paradise Dr ....@........@..
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000768 89A58540 40404040 D3819992 A297A499 ive     Larkspur ...@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000784 40404040 404040C3 C140F9F0 F5F0F440        CA 90504  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000800 F0F0F1F1 F0F040D2 85949785 99404040 001100 Kemper    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000816 40404040 4040D285 9393A840 40404040       Kelly      @@@@@@.....@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000832 F1F1F1F1 40D68192 40C38999 83938540 1111 Oak Circle  ....@...@......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000848 40404040 40404040 D28195A2 81A240C3         Kansas C @@@@@@@@......@.
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000864 89A3A840 404040D2 E240F5F5 F6F5F140 ity    KS 55651  ...@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000880 F0F0F1F2 F0F040D3 85949695 84404040 001200 Lemond    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000896 40404040 4040D385 A29385A8 40404040       Lesley     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000912 F1F2F1F2 40D39683 92A69696 8440D996 1212 Lockwood Ro ....@........@..
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000928 81844040 40404040 D4968881 A58540C4 ad      Mohave D ..@@@@@@......@.
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000944 85A28599 A34040C1 E940F8F0 F3F0F340 esert  AZ 80303  .....@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000960 F0F0F1F3 F0F040D4 89A38388 85939340 001300 Mitchell  ......@........@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000976 40404040 4040D481 999396A6 40404040       Marlow     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00000992 F1F3F1F3 40D48993 93859940 C3998585 1313 Miller Cree ....@......@....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001008 9240D996 81844040 C195A8A6 88859985 k Road  Anywhere .@....@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001024 40404040 404040E3 E740F7F7 F1F2F340        TX 77123  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001040 F0F0F1F4 F0F040D5 85A69481 95404040 001400 Newman    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001056 40404040 4040D596 85934040 40404040       Noel       @@@@@@....@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001072 F1F4F1F4 40D78199 9240C1A5 8595A485 1414 Park Avenue ....@....@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001088 40404040 40404040 E28195A3 8140D496         Santa Mo @@@@@@@@.....@..
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001104 95898381 404040C3 C140F9F0 F2F1F040 nica   CA 90210  ....@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001120 F0F0F1F5 F0F040D6 A2829699 95404040 001500 Osborn    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001136 40404040 4040D6A6 85954040 40404040       Owen       @@@@@@....@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001152 F1F5F1F5 40C38595 A3859940 E2A38187 1515 Center Stag ....@......@....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001168 85404040 40404040 D9969393 89958740 e       Rolling  .@@@@@@@.......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001184 D9968392 404040D7 C140F3F6 F6F1F340 Rock   PA 36613  ....@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001200 F0F0F1F6 F0F040D7 96A68593 93404040 001600 Powell    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001216 40404040 4040D789 85998385 40404040       Pierce     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001232 D7D640C2 96A740F1 F6F1F640 40404040 PO Box 1616      ..@...@....@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001248 40404040 40404040 E58595A3 A4998140         Ventura  @@@@@@@@.......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001264 40404040 404040C3 C140F9F7 F7F1F240        CA 97712  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001280 F0F0F1F7 F0F040D8 A4898793 85A84040 001700 Quigley   ......@.......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001296 40404040 4040D8A4 899583A8 40404040       Quincy     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001312 F1F7F1F7 40C68199 9440C889 939340D9 1717 Farm Hill R ....@....@....@.
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001328 96818440 40404040 D6A28892 96A28840 oad     Oshkosh  ...@@@@@.......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001344 40404040 404040E6 C940F4F3 F3F8F940        WI 43389  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001360 F0F0F1F8 F0F040D9 89979385 A8404040 001800 Ripley    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001376 40404040 4040D981 A8404040 40404040       Ray        @@@@@@...@@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001392 F1F8F1F8 40C19389 859540D3 81958540 1818 Alien Lane  ....@.....@....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001408 40404040 40404040 E681A896 A4A34040         Wayout   @@@@@@@@......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001424 40404040 404040D2 E240F5F5 F4F0F540        KS 55405  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001440 F0F0F1F9 F0F040E2 9489A388 40404040 001900 Smith     ......@.....@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001456 40404040 4040E281 9494A840 40404040       Sammy      @@@@@@.....@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001472 F1F9F1F9 40C38199 9596A4A2 A3898540 1919 Carnoustie  ....@..........@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001488 C49989A5 85404040 D596A581 A3964040 Drive   Novato   .....@@@......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001504 40404040 404040C3 C140F9F4 F9F1F940        CA 94919  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001520 F0F0F2F0 F0F040E3 A4839285 99404040 002000 Tucker    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001536 40404040 4040E381 A8939699 40404040       Taylor     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001552 F2F0F2F0 40E28195 87859940 D3819585 2020 Sanger Lane ....@......@....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001568 40404040 40404040 E2A34B40 D781A493         St. Paul @@@@@@@@..K@....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001584 40404040 404040D4 D540F4F3 F9F9F840        MN 43998  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001600 F0F0F2F1 F0F040E4 95848599 A6969684 002100 Underwood ......@.........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001616 40404040 4040E493 A8A2A285 A2404040       Ulysses    @@@@@@.......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001632 F2F1F2F1 40E68193 9340E2A3 998585A3 2121 Wall Street ....@....@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001648 40404040 40404040 D585A640 E8969992         New York @@@@@@@@...@....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001664 40404040 404040D5 E840F1F7 F6F2F340        NY 17623  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001680 F0F0F2F2 F0F040E5 819540C5 A3A38595 002200 Van Etten ......@...@.....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001696 40404040 4040E581 93859989 85404040       Valerie    @@@@@@.......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001712 F2F2F2F2 40E58995 8540E2A3 998585A3 2222 Vine Street ....@....@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001728 40404040 40404040 C8969393 A8A69696         Hollywoo @@@@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001744 84404040 404040C3 C140F9F8 F7F7F540 d      CA 98775  .@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001760 F0F0F2F3 F0F040E6 8993A296 95404040 002300 Wilson    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001776 40404040 4040E689 9385A840 40404040       Wiley      @@@@@@.....@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001792 F2F3F2F3 40D48189 9540E2A3 998585A3 2323 Main Street ....@....@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001808 40404040 40404040 C296A2A3 96954040         Boston   @@@@@@@@......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001824 40404040 404040D4 C140F0F1 F4F7F240        MA 01472  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001840 F0F0F2F4 F0F040E7 9981A840 40404040 002400 Xray      ......@....@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001856 40404040 4040E781 A5898599 40404040       Xavier     @@@@@@......@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001872 F2F4F2F4 40F2F4E3 C840E2A3 998585A3 2424 24TH Street ....@....@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001888 40404040 40404040 D581A288 A5899393         Nashvill @@@@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001904 85404040 404040E3 D540F4F4 F1F9F040 e      TN 44190  .@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001920 F0F0F2F5 F0F040E8 96A49587 40404040 002500 Young     ......@.....@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001936 40404040 4040E881 95958940 40404040       Yanni      @@@@@@.....@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001952 F2F5F2F5 40E89695 878540E2 A3998585 2525 Yonge Stree ....@.....@.....
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001968 A3404040 40404040 E3969996 95A39640 t       Toronto  .@@@@@@@.......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00001984 40404040 404040D6 D540F6C2 F7F4C1F6        ON 6B74A6 @@@@@@@..@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002000 F0F0F2F6 F0F040E9 859589A3 88404040 002600 Zenith    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002016 40404040 4040E985 82A49396 95404040       Zebulon    @@@@@@.......@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002032 F2F6F2F6 40F2F6E3 C840E2A3 998585A3 2626 26TH Street ....@....@......
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002048 40404040 40404040 C4819393 81A24040         Dallas   @@@@@@@@......@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002064 40404040 404040E3 E740F7F1 F9F2F240        TX 71922  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002080 F1F2F3F4 F5F640C4 96854040 40404040 123456 Doe       ......@...@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002096 40404040 4040D196 88954040 40404040       John       @@@@@@....@@@@@@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002112 F1F2F340 D4818995 40E2A399 8585A340 123 Main Street  ...@....@......@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002128 40404040 40404040 C195A8A6 88859985         Anywhere @@@@@@@@........
2020/10/19 23:43:02 00002144 40404040 404040D6 D940F8F8 F1F5F640        OR 88156  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 23:43:02 * UNITREAD Close Count....... 2160, END

Note: The following applies to the preceding lines of information. If position 21 contains an asterisk (*) then positions 21 - 98 are treated as informational text. The last line of information is a position indicator. The remaining lines of information contain the dump information.

The following shows the formatting of the file content for a hexadecimal dump line of information.

1. Date and Time stamp of when information was collected.
1.1. Position 01-10, Date stamp
1.2. Position 12 -19, Time stamp
2. Location of data within the file
2.1. Position 21-28, Offset value of data within the file
3. Content of data within the file
3.1. Position 30-64, Hexadecimal presentation of data within the file
3.1.1. Each single byte of data is presented using a two byte hexadecimal format.
3.1.2. The hexadecimal information is separated into four groups for easier interpretation during the human observation process.
3.2. Position 66-81, Possible EBCDIC character interpretation of data within the file
3.3. Position 83-98, Possible ASCII character interpretation of data within the file


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Purpose, Segment with EBCDIC

This Job Script will run on a Windows System. The file content for the input file will contain EBCDIC encoded data strings. The output will contain a partial dump of information based on the following environment variables.

1. set UNIT_CNTL_POS=721
1.1. Defines the starting position within the input file.
2. set UNIT_CNTL_LEN=160
2.1. Defines the number of bytes to include in the dump output file.


The job performs the following three (3) job steps.

1. Prepare the Job and System environment.
2. Allocate the file and prepare for access.
2.1. Execute a Java program to access a file using byte stream I/O technique.
2.2. Use a "while" loop to sequentially read the bytes within a file.
2.3. For each 16-byte segment display and log the following on a single line.
2.3.1. Offset value of segment within file.
2.3.2. Hexadecimal dump information.
2.3.3. Possible EBCDIC character interpretation
2.3.4. Possible ASCII character interpretation
3. End of Job processing.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Execute Segment Content is EBCDIC

The following shows the content of the batch job script.

@echo OFF
     set CmdName=JIOHEXW3
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *             Batch Job Script - a Windows Command File             *
rem  *       This Job Script is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2021 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
rem  *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Display HEX-Dump info to Console and Log File using Java.
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   - January 01, 2021
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step 1, Set the Environment...
rem  *
     call ..\ENV1BASE %CmdName%
     if "%SYSLOG%" == "" set syslog=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG
     set JobStatus=0
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 01 of 03, Preparing the System and Job environments"
rem  *
     set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 02 of 03, Execute a partial HEX_DUMP of a file with EBCDIC encoding"
     set UNIT_CNTL_POS=721
     set UNIT_CNTL_LEN=160
     call SIMONOTE "* SYSHX1_* is %LOGS_FULL_NAME% "
     java simpacks/jiohexs1
     if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=%ERRORLEVEL%
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJTAG
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 03 of 03, End of Job processing"
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJNOK
     call SimoNOTE "* Finished JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :EOJEND
     call SimoNOTE "* ABENDING JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Review Segment Content is EBCDIC

The following is a example of information that is displayed to the console and written to a log file.

2020/10/19 11:32:46 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * JIOHEXS1 HEX-Dump with EBC/ASC translate info v21.01.01 helpdesk@simotime.com
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * JIOHEXS1 SimoTime Test Case that illustrates a Java File Processing technique
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * UNITREAD=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\DATA\EBC1\SIMOTIME.DATA.CU0080D1.DAT
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * UNITREAD Control information, Position=721, length=160
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * LOGSFILE=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\LOGS\SYSHX1_JIOHEXW3.txt
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * UNITREAD File Size......... 2160, END
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * UNITREAD Partial Dump...... Offset=720, Length=160, END
2020/10/19 11:32:46 offset.. hex..... ........ ........ ........ ebcdic.......... ascii...........
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000720 F0F0F1F0 F0F040D1 968895A2 96954040 001000 Johnson   ......@.......@@
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000736 40404040 4040D181 94898540 40404040       Jamie      @@@@@@.....@@@@@
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000752 F1F0F1F0 40D78199 818489A2 8540C499 1010 Paradise Dr ....@........@..
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000768 89A58540 40404040 D3819992 A297A499 ive     Larkspur ...@@@@@........
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000784 40404040 404040C3 C140F9F0 F5F0F440        CA 90504  @@@@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000800 F0F0F1F1 F0F040D2 85949785 99404040 001100 Kemper    ......@......@@@
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000816 40404040 4040D285 9393A840 40404040       Kelly      @@@@@@.....@@@@@
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000832 F1F1F1F1 40D68192 40C38999 83938540 1111 Oak Circle  ....@...@......@
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000848 40404040 40404040 D28195A2 81A240C3         Kansas C @@@@@@@@......@.
2020/10/19 11:32:46 00000864 89A3A840 404040D2 E240F5F5 F6F5F140 ity    KS 55651  ...@@@@..@.....@
2020/10/19 11:32:46 * UNITREAD Close Count....... 160, END

Note: The following applies to the preceding lines of information. If position 21 contains an asterisk (*) then positions 21 - 98 are treated as informational text. The last line of information is a position indicator. The remaining lines of information contain the dump information.

The following shows the formatting of the file content for a hexadecimal dump line of information.

1. Date and Time stamp of when information was collected.
1.1. Position 01-10, Date stamp
1.2. Position 12 -19, Time stamp
2. Location of data within the file
2.1. Position 21-28, Offset value of data within the file
3. Content of data within the file
3.1. Position 30-64, Hexadecimal presentation of data within the file
3.1.1. Each single byte of data is presented using a two byte hexadecimal format.
3.1.2. The hexadecimal information is separated into four groups for easier interpretation during the human observation process.
3.2. Position 66-81, Possible EBCDIC character interpretation of data within the file
3.3. Position 83-98, Possible ASCII character interpretation of data within the file


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Purpose, ASCII and Short Block

This Job Script will run on a Windows System. The file content for the input file will contain 77 bytes of ASCII information. The file size will cause the last block of dump information to be a short block. The job performs the following three (3) job steps.

1. Prepare the Job and System environment.
2. Allocate the file and prepare for access.
2.1. Execute a Java program to access a file using byte stream I/O technique.
2.2. Use a "while" loop to sequentially read the bytes within a file.
2.3. For each 16-byte segment display and log the following on a single line.
2.3.1. Offset value of segment within file.
2.3.2. Hexadecimal dump information.
2.3.3. Possible EBCDIC character interpretation
2.3.4. Possible ASCII character interpretation
3. End of Job processing.


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Execute ASCII Input and Short Block

The following shows the content of the batch job script.

@echo OFF
     set CmdName=JIOHEXW4
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *             Batch Job Script - a Windows Command File             *
rem  *       This Job Script is provided by SimoTime Technologies        *
rem  *           (C) Copyright 1987-2021 All Rights Reserved             *
rem  *             Web Site URL:   http://www.simotime.com               *
rem  *                   e-mail:   helpdesk@simotime.com                 *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  *
rem  * Text   - Display HEX-Dump info to Console and Log File using Java.
rem  * Author - SimoTime Technologies
rem  * Date   - January 01, 2021
rem  *
rem  * *******************************************************************
rem  * Step 1, Set the Environment...
rem  *
     call ..\ENV1BASE %CmdName%
     if "%SYSLOG%" == "" set syslog=c:\SimoLIBR\LOGS\SimoTime.LOG
     set JobStatus=0
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 01 of 03, Preparing the System and Job environments"
rem  *
     set LOGS_FULL_NAME=%BaseLib1%\LOGS\SYSHX1_%CmdName%.txt
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 02 of 03, Execute a HEX_DUMP of a file with short block of data"
     set UNIT_CNTL_POS=0
     set UNIT_CNTL_LEN=0
     call SIMONOTE "* SYSHX1_* is %LOGS_FULL_NAME% "
     java simpacks/jiohexs1
     if not "%ERRORLEVEL%" == "0" set JobStatus=%ERRORLEVEL%
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJTAG
rem  *
     call SimoNOTE "*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*"
     call SimoNOTE "* Job_Step 03 of 03, End of Job processing"
     if not "%JobStatus%" == "0" goto :EOJNOK
     call SimoNOTE "* Finished JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     goto :EOJEND
     call SimoNOTE "* ABENDING JobName %CmdName%, Job Status is %JobStatus% "
     if not "%1" == "nopause" pause

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Review ASCII Input and Short Block

The following is a example of information that is displayed to the console and written to a log file.

2020/10/19 00:47:53 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
2020/10/19 00:47:53 * JIOHEXS1 HEX-Dump with EBC/ASC translate info v21.01.01 helpdesk@simotime.com
2020/10/19 00:47:53 * JIOHEXS1 SimoTime Test Case that illustrates a Java File Processing technique
2020/10/19 00:47:53 * UNITREAD=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\DATA\ASC1\BYTEINFO.dat
2020/10/19 00:47:53 * UNITREAD Control information, Position=0, length=0
2020/10/19 00:47:54 * LOGSFILE=C:\AC2020\SP07\DEVL\LOGS\SYSHX1_JIOHEXW4.txt
2020/10/19 00:47:54 * UNITREAD File Size......... 77, END
2020/10/19 00:47:54 offset.. hex..... ........ ........ ........ ebcdic.......... ascii...........
2020/10/19 00:47:54 00000000 48656C6C 6F20576F 726C642C 20697420 ..%%?..?.%...... Hello World, it
2020/10/19 00:47:54 00000016 6973206E 6F772074 68652074 696D6520 ...>?........_.. is now the time
2020/10/19 00:47:54 00000032 666F7220 616C6C20 676F6F64 2070656F .?../%%..??....? for all good peo
2020/10/19 00:47:54 00000048 706C6520 746F2063 6F6D6520 746F2074 .%...?..?_...?.. ple to come to t
2020/10/19 00:47:54 00000064 68652070 61727479 2E204279 65xxxxxx ..../..`...`.... he party. Bye...
2020/10/19 00:47:54 * UNITREAD Close Count....... 77, END

Note: The following applies to the preceding lines of information. If position 21 contains an asterisk (*) then positions 21 - 98 are treated as informational text. The last line of information is a position indicator. The remaining lines of information contain the dump information.

The following shows the formatting of the file content for a hexadecimal dump line of information.

1. Date and Time stamp of when information was collected.
1.1. Position 01-10, Date stamp
1.2. Position 12 -19, Time stamp
2. Location of data within the file
2.1. Position 21-28, Offset value of data within the file
3. Content of data within the file
3.1. Position 30-64, Hexadecimal presentation of data within the file
3.1.1. Each single byte of data is presented using a two byte hexadecimal format.
3.1.2. The hexadecimal information is separated into four groups for easier interpretation during the human observation process.
3.2. Position 66-81, Possible EBCDIC character interpretation of data within the file
3.3. Position 83-98, Possible ASCII character interpretation of data within the file


Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Summary

This Test Case includes job scripts and Java programs that describe and demonstrate the use of file access methods used by SimoTime. This document may be used to assist as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.

In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.

SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the  Comments or Feedback  section of this document.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Software Agreement and Disclaimer

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.

SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Downloads and Links

This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.

Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Current Server or Internet Access

The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Java Connection for examples of the various coding or programming techniques using the Java Software Development Kit from Oracle/Sun.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The File Status Return Codes to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Internet Access Required

The following links will require an internet connect.

A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection

Explore The Java Development and Run Time products and services available from Oracle. This link requires an Internet Connection.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Glossary of Terms

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Comments or Feedback

This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.

1. Send an e-mail to our helpdesk.
1.1. helpdesk@simotime.com.
2. Our telephone numbers are as follows.
2.1. 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk
2.2. 1 415 827-7045 mobile


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SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.

Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.

Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.

Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at http://www.simotime.com

Hex Dump Utility, Java Based
Copyright © 1987-2021
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
When technology complements business