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The following Z-Packs provide individual programming examples, documentation and test data files in a single package. The Z-Packs are usually in zip format to reduce the amount of time to download. The examples that are targeted for a mainframe (MVS or OS/390) will also run on the PC with Mainframe Express from Micro Focus. The COBOL examples are coded to the ANSI/85 standard and many have been tested on the PC using Net Express from Micro Focus. Some of the COBOL programs may be slightly modified to run on the AS/400. For example, the COMP is changed to BINARY.

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Enterprises. For more information refer to the Software Agreement and Disclaimer section at the end of this document.

We have made a significant effort to ensure the documents and software technologies are correct and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes without notice at any time. The function delivered in this version is based upon the enhancement requests from a specific group of users. The intent is to provide changes as the need arises and in a timeframe that is dependent upon the availability of resources.

Copyright © 1987-2025
SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved

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Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Enterprises. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Enterprises.

SimoTime Enterprises makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Enterprises shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.

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Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Mainframe Assembler Examples

This group of Z-Packs contains examples of Mainframe Assembler programs. The sample programs were originally developed and tested in an OSVS environment and have been migrated through a number of mainframe upgrades from Assembler/H to HLASM on a ZOS mainframe. The programs were ported to a Micro Focus environment on Windows in the early 1990's.

ASSEMBLER, 370 Instruction Set
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This sample program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler (HLASM) and executes each of the problem-state, non-floating-point instructions. This program is provided as a learning and reference example. It will run on a mainframe but is intended to be animated using Micro Focus Mainframe Express with the 370 Assembler option.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 26K.
ASSEMBLER, Bit Manipulation
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This is an example of how a COBOL program can call an Assembler program that does bit-level manipulation. The COBOL program is written using the COBOL/2 dialect but also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. The Assembler program was originally written using the IBM Mainframe Assembler/H and will work with HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 23K.
ASSEMBLER, Coding Techniques
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This sample program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler (HLASM), it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. This program provides examples of some of the coding techniques used by mainframe assembler programmers. It will run as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 16K.
ASSEMBLER, A Very Simple Assembler Program
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This program simply does a subtract of Register-15 from itself (i.e. setting the value to zero) and then does an unconditional branch to the address specified in Register-14.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
ASSEMBLER, Call, Load and Link
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This suite of programs provides examples of how a mainframe assembler program calls, loads or links to a mainframe assembler (HLASM) routine. The assembler programs are written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, they will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 17K.
ASSEMBLER, I/O Routine for QSAM File Access
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler (HLASM) I/O routine to access a QSAM or Sequential file. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. The assembler IO routine is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
ASSEMBLER, I/O Routine for VSAM, KSDS Access
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler (HLASM) I/O routine to access a VSAM data set. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. The assembler IO routine is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
ASSEMBLER, Labels and Macros
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This sample program discusses the task of maintaining unique labels when using macros that generate code that includes branch instructions. There are various techniques used to solve this problem and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 15K.
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This sample program is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler (HLASM), it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. This program provides examples of some of the coding techniques used to display messages to the screen. It will run as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
ASSEMBLER, Call from COBOL, Composite Link and Load of Non-Executable
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a COBOL program can call an Assembler program that is a composite link of multiple Assembler members. The primary Assembler program will execute a secondary program using a VCON and Branch. The primary Assembler will load a non-executable member that is a data table. This suite of programs may be compiled and executed as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a Windows System.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 22K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section COBOL Examples

This group of Z-Packs contains examples of COBOL programs. The sample programs were originally developed and tested in an OSVS environment and have been migrated through a number of mainframe upgrades from COBOL/2 to Enterprise COBOL on a ZOS mainframe. The programs were ported to a Micro Focus environment on Windows in the early 1990's.

COBOL, ABEND Processing for the Micro Focus Environment
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This suite of sample programs describes how to call an ABEND (ABnormal ENDing) routine in a Micro Focus environment. This routine will display the call stack starting with the program that called the ABEND routine. The COBOL programs are written using the Micro Focus COBOL and tested with Net Express and Enterprise Server. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job under Enterprise Server or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
COBOL, Bit Manipulation
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This is an example of how COBOL can do bit-level manipulation. Both COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
COBOL, Callable Access, Sequential Files, 80-Byte Records
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This packet is an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a COBOL I/O routine to access sequential files with 80-byte logical records. The first example shows how to read a line sequential file via a simple call and write a record sequential file via a simple call. The COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370 with the exception of the programs that provide access to line sequential files. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows. A Windows Command file is provided to run with Net Express.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
COBOL, Calling COBOL I/O Routine for VSAM, KSDS Access
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This packet is an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe COBOL I/O routine to access a VSAM data set. Both COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 42K.
COBOL, Calling Assembler I/O Routine for QSAM File Access
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler (HLASM) I/O routine to access a QSAM or Sequential file. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. The assembler IO routine is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
COBOL, Calling Assembler I/O Routine for VSAM, KSDS Access
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe assembler (HLASM) I/O routine to access a VSAM data set. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/2 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. The assembler IO routine is written in IBM Mainframe Assembler, it will compile using Assembler/H or HLASM. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 15K.
COBOL, Call using Procedure Pointer & External Memory
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This suite of programs will describe how to use procedure pointers and external data items. A procedure pointer will be defined in a primary (or mainline) program. The procedure pointer will then be used to call a secondary program. A linkage section will not be required in the secondary program since the data will be accessed (or shared) using external data items. The COBOL program is written using COBOL/390 dialect but also works with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
COBOL, Case Conversion of a Text String
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This is an example of how COBOL programs do case conversion. The example shows simple conversion between upper and lower case plus capitalization and editing of specific words within a text string. Both COBOL programs were written and tested using the VS COBOL II dialect. Also, both COBOL programs will work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows. Also, a CMD member is provided to run the job with Micro Focus Net Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
COBOL, Collating Sequences for EBCDIC and ASCII Environments
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This suite of programs will create a file containing the printable character set. This file will be sorted and produce different sequencing for the EBCDIC and ASCII environments. A subsequent step will run a COBOL program that shows the type of programming logic that will execute properly in an EBCDIC environment but fail in an ASCII environment. The COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows. A CMD member is provided to run the job from a windows command line as a batch job or as a project with Micro Focus Net Express running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 35K.
COBOL, Comma Delimited File, Create a New File
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This suite of programs will read a column-oriented, fixed-field-length sequential file and create a new comma-delimited file. A CMD member is provided to run the job from a windows command line as a batch job or as a project with Micro Focus Net Express running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 22K.
COBOL, Comma Delimited File, Read and Parse Existing File
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This suite of sample programs will read and parse and existing comma-delimited file and create a column-oriented, fixed-field-length, sequential file. A CMD member is provided to run the job from a windows command line as a batch job or as a project with Micro Focus Net Express running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 31K.
COBOL, Copy File with REPLACING Function
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This suite of sample programs describes the usage of the "REPLACING" function when using a copy file with a COBOL program. A CMD member is provided to run the job from a windows command line as a batch job or as a project with Micro Focus Net Express running on a PC with Windows. A JCL member is provided to run the job with Micro Focus Mainframe Express running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
COBOL, Date Difference-in-Days between Two Dates
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This is an example of a callable routine that will calculate the difference between two Gregorian dates in the ccyymmdd format. Allowances have been made for leap years with the four-year and four-hundred-year cycles.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 36K.
COBOL, Date Validate, Format and Convert
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This is an example of a callable routine that will validate, format or convert dates. The program will accept a Gregorian date in the ccyymmdd, ccyy/mm/dd, ccyy/m/d format then check for numeric values for ccyymmdd. The month and day will also be checked for a valid range of 1-12 and 1-nn according to the month. It also provides conversion to Julian and text. For example, 2001/01/15 will be converted to a Julian date of 2001015 and a text string of January 15, 2001.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
COBOL, Digits to Text Conversion
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This suite of programs provides an example of how to create a 150-character text data string from a 12-digit numeric field. For example, if the numeric field contains 000001234 then a text string is created with in the following information. One-Thousand-Two-Hundred-Thirty-Four.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
COBOL, Embedded Hex or Non-Printable Characters
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This suite of programs provides an example of how to identify and process embedded hex or non-printable characters in a text string or field.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 34K.
COBOL, Floating Point Arithmetic
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This suite of sample programs provides an example of a COBOL program doing floating point arithmetic and writing the information to a Sequential file.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 22K.
COBOL, Hexadecimal Dump of Data Items
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This suite of programs provides a demonstration program and a callable program to display a data string in a hexadecimal format for both EBCDIC and ASCII. Both COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and will also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 46K.
COBOL, Replace the -INC Statements with a Standard COBOL Copy Statement
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The -INC is supported for the Micro Focus COBOL environment by using the LIBRARIAN"2" compiler directive. However, the CP and Preprocessor technology used with ORACLE requires the -INC to be changed to a standard COPY or EXEC SQL INCLUDE. A global conversion utility program (ALTINCC1.CBL) may be used to replace the -INC statements with standard COBOL COPY statements.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
COBOL, Internal Reader and Job Submission
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This suite of programs will describe how to submit a second job from within the current running job. A COBOL program is used to write information to the Internal Reader (Intruder). The JCL and COBOL program may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS or ZOS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments. The JCL and COBOL program may be executed using Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE/EE) or Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
COBOL, JCL Parameter Passing
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This packet is an example of how a COBOL program accesses and processes a data string specified as a parameter as part of the EXEC statement in the JCL that is running the job. The COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 21K.
COBOL, Justify Text within a Field, Center and Right or Left Adjust
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This packet is an example of how a COBOL program can do text justification (center, left or right justify) within a field. The COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 35K.
COBOL, Mailing Labels - Read an Indexed File and Create a Print File
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The objective of this suite of programs is to read an INDEXED file containing name and address information and create a sequential file. Records containing a PO Box in the Street-Address field will be omitted from the sequential file. The file will be sorted by postal code sequence using the SORT program. A second COBOL program will read the sorted sequential file and create a print file that is formatted with 1, 2, 3 or 4 across labels of six lines each. This is a good examples of how to access an Indexed file (or VSAM, KSDS). It will also illustrate the use of a two-dimensional array.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 80K.
COBOL, Numeric Fields, Introduction to Internal Structures
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This suite of example programs will describe the various numeric formats and their internal structures. The examples will also show how numeric fields may be converted from one format to another in preparation for printing, displaying or exporting to a non-mainframe or non-COBOL environment.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 36K.
COBOL, Numeric Fields, Commonly Used Formats and Field Sizes
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This suite of example programs will describe the use, format and size of some of the commonly used numeric fields of the COBOL programming language. This example also illustrates how to redefine a numeric field and how to display the actual hexadecimal content of a numeric field.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 36K.
COBOL, Numeric Fields, Test or Scan
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This suite of programs provides a demonstration program for testing or scanning a numeric field for numeric content or all digits. The DISPLAY function of COBOL is used by the demonstration program to display the results of the parsing routine. The COBOL program is written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and will also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS (or OS/390) batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
COBOL, Numeric Fields, Printing or Editing
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This suite of example programs will describe how to prepare various numeric fields (i.e. packed or COMP-3, binary or COMP and signed, zoned decimal or USAGE IS DISPLAY) for printing.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 27K.
COBOL, Numeric Fields, Leading SPACES and ZEROES
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The challenge with this program is that it is expected to process the various numeric items in the same manner as the mainframe. For example, a zoned-decimal field that contains leading spaces should not cause an ABEND (i.e. 163 error on Micro Focus) but should treat the leading spaces as zeroes and complete the arithmetic calculation. However, a packed-decimal field that contains non-numeric values would issue a S0C7 (referred to as a sock-seven) on the mainframe and should issue a 163 error in the Micro Focus environment.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
COBOL, Parsing a Data String , Process Leading and Multiple, Embedded Spaces
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This suite of programs provides a demonstration program and a callable program to parse a field or data string. The DISPLAY function of COBOL is used by the demonstration program to display the results of the parsing routine. This example will also show how to create a new field (or data string) with the leading spaces removed and the multiple, embedded spaces replaced with a single space. The length of the text within the new field (or data string) is also calculated. Both COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and will also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS (or OS/390) batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
COBOL, Pass, Parse and Convert a Data String
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This suite of programs provides examples of how to parse, edit, modify, format and display (standard or hexadecimal dump) various words within a data string. The programs also include examples of how to pass parameters between JCL and COBOL. The COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and will also work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS (or OS/390) batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 48K.
COBOL, Print or Display Text String with non-Print or non-Display Values
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This suite of programs provides an example of a routine that will replace non-display or non-print values with spaces prior to displaying or printing. The example also shows what happens if a display is attempted with the binary or non-display characters in the text string.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 17K.
COBOL, Right-Adjust and Zero-Fill
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This suite of programs provides an example of a routine that will Right-Adjust a text string within a field and fill the left-most or high-order bytes with zeroes. The resulting field is also tested for numeric values and a return code (RA12-RESPOND) is set to zero (0) if numeric and eight (8) if not numeric. Two COBOL programs are provided. The first program is a demonstration program that reads a file containing "RIGHTADJ-info" records and calls the second COBOL program that actually does the right-adjust, zero-fill processing.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 33K.
COBOL, Search and Replace Text strings of Different Sizes within a Field
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The objective of this suite of programs is to replace a text string within a field based on a search argument with a text string based on a replacement value of a different length.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 24K.
COBOL, Sleep (or WAIT) Routine
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This example will focus on Micro Focus Enterprise Server and the Mainframe Sub-System (or ES/MSS) and the use of a WAIT (or SLEEP) function.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
COBOL, Snap Dump Routine
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The objective of this suite of sample programs and documentation is to describe how to use a callable routine that will dump the Working Storage Section of the calling program.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
COBOL, Track a Program Point of Interest with Elapsed Time
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This suite of programs provides an example of how to call the SimoTRAK program that will post the point of interest in a program and the elapsed time between this call, the prior call and the first call.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
COBOL, Street Address Parse and Identify PO Box Addresses
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The objective of this suite of programs is to examine a data string containing a street address and produce a new data string with an edited version of the street address. The program will also identify Post Office Box addresses.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 36K.
COBOL, Table Processing Linear or Binary Search
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This suite of programs describes how to load a table and then search the table using standard COBOL search or custom coded search methods.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 36K.
COBOL, Table Processing, Loading a Table and Bubble Sort
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This suite of sample programs describes how to use COBOL to load a table with customer information and then sort the table using a bubble sort routine.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
COBOL, Table Processing, Creating and Processing Binary Tables
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This suite of sample programs describes how to use COBOL to create a table of binary values from X'00' through X'FF'.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
COBOL, Tips and Techniques
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This suite of programs shows various COBOL coding techniques to perform tasks or provide function that may be considered outside the primary business processing requirements.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 40K.
COBOL, File Conversion, Volume 1
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This suite of programs shows how to convert the organization of a file between sequential and keyed indexed, change the file content between ASCII and EBCDIC or change the organization of fields by position within a record.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 80K.
COBOL, File Conversion, Volume 2
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This Z-Pack will discuss the cycle of how to convert a VSAM, KSDS to a flat Sequential file on the mainframe, download the flat sequential file from the mainframe to the PC and create an Indexed file of ASCII content on the PC. Additional programs are included for converting ASCII, Text files to Indexed files. These examples also show how to manage Packed-Decimal and BINARY or COMP fields.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 150K.
COBOL, Compare Contents of Directories
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This suite of programs shows various COBOL coding techniques to perform tasks or provide function that may be considered outside the primary business processing requirements.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 35K.
COBOL, Variable Length Records within a Sequential File
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This program suite provides an example of how to create and access a sequential file containing variable length records. This job will run on an MVS mainframe or Micro Focus Mainframe Express. This is a COBOL program.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 38K.
COBOL, Variable Length Records (File Transfer, Share, Convert and Compare)
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This program suite provides an example of how to Transfer, Share, Convert and Compare sequential files containing variable length records. This job will run on an MVS mainframe or Micro Focus Mainframe Express. This is a COBOL program.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 38K.
COBOL, VSAM for Hex-Dump
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This program reads a VSAM, Keyed Sequential Data Set (KSDS) and writes a sequential (QSAM) file that contains hexadecimal information. This job will run on an MVS mainframe or Micro Focus Mainframe Express. This is a COBOL program.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 27K.
COBOL, Net Express, Environment, Command Line & File Name
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This is an example of how a COBOL program can access (i.e. Get or Set) environment variables using Micro Focus Net Express. The sample program start by setting an environment variable for a file name. The program then gets the environment variable and displays the environment value on the screen. Next the program calls a second program that does file I/O. Since the second program is compiled with the SEQUENTIAL(LINE) directive the second program will read the ASCII/Text file specified in the environment value that was set in the first program.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section COBOL and Java Examples

This group of Z-Packs contains examples of COBOL and Java programs working together in a Micro Focus environment.

COBOL and Java, the SimoTime December Project
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This packet contains the Java and COBOL programs, the Java Server Pages (JSP) and the HTML documents for the Demonstration and Examples of how Java and COBOL work together as complementary technologies.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 77K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section CICS Examples

This group of Z-Packs contains examples of CICS programs. The sample programs were originally developed and tested in an MVS environment and have been migrated through a number of mainframe upgrades and currently run in a ZOS environment. The programs were ported to a Micro Focus environment on Windows in the mid-1990's.

CICS, Menu Programs
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This suite of programs provides an example of how to use BMS (Basic Mapping Support) and COBOL programs to present and process a sequence of "Menu-oriented" screens..
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
CICS, File Management Programs
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This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS map sets to execute programs that will provide data file inquiry or update functionality for the Customer and Item Master files.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
CICS, File Management, Customer Master File
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This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS map sets to execute programs that will provide data file inquiry or update functionality for the Customer Master File.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
CICS, File Management, Item Master File
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This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS map sets to execute programs that will provide data file inquiry or update functionality.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
CICS, Hexadecimal Dump of Customer Records
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This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS map sets to display the contents of a user requested record from the Customer Master File. The information is displayed in a hexadecimal (or DUMP) format. This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
CICS, Hexadecimal Access of Customer Records
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This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS map sets to display and patch (or update) the contents of a user requested record from the Customer Master File. The information is displayed in a hexadecimal (or DUMP) format, an EBCDIC format and an ASCII format. This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
CICS, Look-up for File Status Code
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This example uses a suite of COBOL programs and BMS map sets to display a screen to prompt a user for a file status code. When the user enters the code a brief description of what caused the condition will be displayed. The programs use command level CICS statements to access the VSAM File with status codes and descriptions. The information is displayed to a 3270 terminal or terminal emulator. This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
CICS, Access the File Properties Repository
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This suite of programs will provide the capability of creating and managing a repository of file properties (FPMASTER) for Data Files, Partitioned Data Sets (PDS) and GDG Base definitions used by a mainframe application or group of applications. . This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
CICS, Access the Application Properties Repository
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The suite of programs provides the capability of creating and managing a repository of information or "Application Properties Repository" for the source code used by a mainframe application or group of applications. . This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
CICS, Access FCT Information in DFHDRDAT and Post to a CSV File
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The resources used by the Micro Focus Enterprise Server, Mainframe Subsystem Support (or ES/MSS) is stored in the resource definitions file (DFHDRDAT). This file is a Micro Focus Key-Sequenced-Data-Set. This utility program provides a batch access to get the FCT information and post this information into an ASCII/Text file with CSV formatted records. This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
CICS, Access PCT Information in DFHDRDAT and Post to a CSV File
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The resources used by the Micro Focus Enterprise Server, Mainframe Subsystem Support (or ES/MSS) is stored in the resource definitions file (DFHDRDAT). This file is a Micro Focus Key-Sequenced-Data-Set. This utility program provides a batch access to get the PCT information and post this information into an ASCII/Text file with CSV formatted records. This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
CICS, Submit JCL to INTRDR from CICS
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This example uses a COBOL program running under CICS to submit a job (i.e. JCL) to the Internal Reader (or INTRDR). The program uses command level CICS statements (EXEC CICS SPOOL) to access the internal reader. The program will run on an IBM Mainframe System with CICS or a Microsoft Windows System with Micro Focus Server and the Mainframe Sub-System option. This transaction is provided as a tool for programmers and support personnel.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section JCL with SORT & Utilities

This group of Z-Packs contains examples of batch jobs using JCL Members. The sample programs were originally developed and tested in an OSVS environment and have been migrated through a number of mainframe upgrades from JES/2 to JES/3 on a ZOS mainframe. The programs were ported to a Micro Focus environment on Windows in the mid-1990's.

JCL, Quick Reference with Examples
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This suite of programs provides a quick reference document for mainframe JCL.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 15K.
JCL, Basic JCL Functions with SORT Examples
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This file contains sample mainframe JCL to do syntax checking of a JCL member without executing the job steps. The first two JOB steps use IEFBR14 to delete previously created files and then uses IEBGENER to create a new file. The next two JOB steps use the SORT utility to copy a file and to sort a file. A job step is included that will do a case insensitive sort. The JCL may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
JCL, Conditional Processing
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This file contains sample mainframe JCL to do conditional processing. The JCL may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
JCL, Replace the ++INCLUDE Statements with Standard JCL Statements
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The ++INCLUDE is a function that is supported by CA-Panvalet for JCL Members stored and used on an IBM Mainframe. This function is not supported in the Micro Focus environment. When migrating a batch application that uses this function it will be necessary to change the ++INCLUDES to standard JCL statements that are supported in a Micro Focus environment and the mainframe. A conversion utility program (JCLALTC1.CBL) is available to do this conversion. A Windows command file is used to automate the process. Refer to JCLALTE1.CMD for more information.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 8K.
JCL, Internal Reader and Job Submission
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This suite of programs will describe how to submit a second job from within the current running job. A small sequential file is created by the second JCL member. The JCL may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
JCL, Managing PDS's
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This file contains sample mainframe JCL to create Partitioned Data Sets (PDS's). The JCL may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environment
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
JCL, using Temporary Data Sets
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This file contains sample mainframe JCL the describes how to use the double ampersand (&&) notation with the DD statement and the DSN parameter to define and access a temporary data set with a unique name. The JOB and DD statements may require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
JCL, Procedures or PROC's
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If a segment of JCL is used repeatedly it may be coded once as a PROC (or JCL Procedure) and then used by many different steps within the job.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
JCL, using PROCs with Procedure Overrides
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This file contains sample mainframe JCL using JCL Procedures that describe how to use parameter substitution and override values in a procedure that is to be executed. The JCL may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 17K.
JCL, using INCLUDE and JCLLIB Statements
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This suite of programs will describe how to use the INCLUDE capability provided with JES and JCL Members. This capability and the information it provides is quite useful when supporting or migrating a batch application and data from a Mainframe System to a Windows System using Micro Focus technologies. The JCL may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
JCL, Compiling and Linking a Program
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This file contains sample mainframe JCL to compile and link programs. The JCL may be executed on the mainframe as an MVS batch job. The JOB and DD statements will require modification prior to execution in different mainframe environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
JCL, Passing a Parameter to a COBOL Program
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This packet is an example of how a COBOL program accesses and processes a data string specified as a parameter as part of the EXEC statement in the JCL that is running the job. The COBOL programs are written using the IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
JCL, Setting and Substituting Variables within JCL
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The purpose of this suite of programs is to describe how to define and use a variable within a JCL member or Procedure member. A JCL member with eight (8) job steps is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
JCL, using IEBGENER and IDCAMS to create a File and VSAM, KSDS
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The purpose of this suite of programs is to describe how to use IEBGENER to create a sequential file with a list of file status codes. The example then uses IDCAMS to create and populate a VSAM, KSDS with the information. A JCL member with four (4) job steps is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
JCL, using a single JCL Member and IDCAMS to create VSAM Clusters with Unique Data Set Names
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This example describes how to use a single JCL Member and IDCAMS to create VSAM Clusters with unique data set names. A JCL member with four (4) job steps is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
JCL, Data Set Concatenation
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This document will describe and demonstrate the data set concatenation function provided with JCL, Utility Programs and COBOL. It is possible to process more than one data set as a single data set by concatenating the DD statements.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 24K.
JCL, Processing DD Statements with Tape Specifications
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When a batch job is migrated from a mainframe to a Linux, UNIX or Windows system running the Micro Focus Enterprise Server the processing of tape files may be a requirement. This document with examples provides alternatives for processing tape specifications with Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
JCL, Micro Focus Enterprise Server with Default File Location Override
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This example will focus on Micro Focus Enterprise Server and the Mainframe Sub-System (or ES/MSS). When a Region (or Server) is configured within Micro Focus Enterprise Server to run batch jobs (i.e. submit JCL) a default directory is defined and used for placement of new physical files that are allocate by a job. This is an example of how to catalog a new data set and override the base configuration and place the physical file in an alternate directory.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
JCL, Micro Focus Enterprise Server with CORE_ON_ERROR and Job Restart
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This suite of programs (COBOL and JCL) will describe and demonstrate the Job Restart capabilities that are available in Micro Focus Enterprise Server. Also, this suite of programs includes a description and demonstration of the diagnostic capabilities for the CORE_ON_ERROR function of Micro Focus Enterprise Server.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Relational Data Base (or SQL)

This group of Z-Packs contains examples of programs that access relational data base tables using embedded SQL statements in a COBOL Program. The sample programs were originally developed and tested in an MVS environment and have been migrated through a number of mainframe upgrades and currently run in a ZOS environment. The programs were ported to a Micro Focus environment on Windows in the mid-1990's.

SQL, Customer Database, Create, Manipulate and Delete a Relation Data Base Table
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This suite of programs provides examples of how to create, manipulate and delete a relational data base table using embedded SQL in COBOL programs. The COBOL programs were originally written to be compliant with the IBM COBOL 390 dialect. JCL members are provided to run the jobs as ZOS batch jobs on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 80K.
SQL, Item Database, Create, Manipulate and Delete a Relation Data Base Table
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This suite of programs provides examples of how to create, manipulate and delete a relational data base using embedded SQL in COBOL programs. The COBOL programs were originally written to be compliant with the IBM COBOL 390 dialect. JCL members are provided to run the jobs as ZOS batch jobs on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 71K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Non-Relational Data Structures

This group of Z-Packs contains reference materials describing various file formats and processing techniques to transfer, share, convert and compare non-relational data structures. This includes VSAM, QSAM, GDG's, PDS's and SORT.

DATA, Data Tracker - Data File Inventory Management
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This example will use a Windows System running a Micro Focus sub-system to create a Key-Sequenced-Data-set containing an inventory of traditional sequential files and VSAM Data Sets. Once the inventory of files has been created it will be possible to use this information to build a catalog for Micro Focus Mainframe Express or Micro Focus Studio/Server environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, GDG - Generation Data Group, Define and Process
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This suite of sample programs describes how to define a Generation Data Group (GDG). Once the GDG is defined the creation of a Generation Date Set (referred to as a generation or GDS) within the group discussed. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 28K.
DATA, QSAM - Processing from a Single COBOL Program
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a single mainline COBOL program accesses a QSAM or Sequential file. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 15K.
DATA, QSAM - a COBOL Program calls a COBOL I/O Routine for Sequential File Processing
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program calls a mainframe COBOL I/O routine to access a QSAM or Sequential file. Both COBOL programs are written using the VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS, COBOL/370, OS390 and Enterprise COBOL. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows. A suite of Windows Command files is provided to run in a Windows environment with Micro Focus Net Express or Application Servers without JCL.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 35K.
DATA, QSAM - File Convert, Mainframe to Micro Focus, Variable Length Records
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The objective of this suite of programs is to provide a solution for using FTP to download a mainframe sequential file with variable length records to a system that is running Microsoft Windows and Micro Focus COBOL and convert the file format to a Micro Focus sequential file with variable length records.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 15K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Alternate Index for a Keyed Sequential Data Set
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This file contains mainframe JCL and COBOL programs to create, populate and access a VSAM, Keyed Sequential Data Set (KSDS) with a Primary Key and an Alternate Index. This job will run on an MVS mainframe or Micro Focus Mainframe Express. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 50K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Common Utilities
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This file contains mainframe JCL and COBOL programs to create, populate and delete VSAM data sets or QSAM files that are used by many of the sample programs. This job will run on an MVS mainframe or Micro Focus Mainframe Express. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, VSAM - Processing from a Single COBOL Program
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a single mainline COBOL program accesses a VSAM data set. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, VSAM - ESDS, Delete, Define and Add Records
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This program suite provides an example of how to delete and define a new Entry Sequenced Data Set (ESDS) using Mainframe JCL. Once the new ESDS is created a COBOL program is used to add records to the data set. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
DATA, VSAM - RRDS, Delete, Define and Add Records
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This program suite provides an example of how to delete and define a new Relative Record Data Set (RRDS) using Mainframe JCL. Once the new RRDS is created a COBOL program is used to add records to the data set. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Extract File Information from JCL
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This suite of programs will scan JCL members and extract file information based on the IDCAMS or DD statements. The file information will be written to a sequential file. This capability and the information it provides is quite useful when migrating a batch application and data from a Mainframe System to a Windows System using Micro Focus technologies.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Large Files with Micro Focus
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This is an example of how Micro Focus COBOL can create and access large files (size exceeds 2 gigabytes) on a Windows platform. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Elapsed Processing Time (Small, Medium and Large files)
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This document will demonstrate and describe how to establish a set of baseline performance metrics by calculating elapsed time for batch jobs from information extracted from the Micro Focus JES output.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 50K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Dynamic File Allocation with Micro Focus
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This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate the dynamic file allocation function for the Micro Focus Studio and Server environments.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Route Print Output to User-Defined Folder
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This sample JCL and documentation will describe and demonstrate how to route printed output to a user-defined folder using the ES_ALLOC_OVERRIDE function provided with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer Server.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Populate a Catalog with Micro Focus
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When doing an "application migration" or "transferring and sharing data" between a Mainframe System and a Windows System with Micro Focus Server it can be a challenge to create and populate the Server Catalog entries and make this a repeatable process. This document describes a possible solution to this challenge.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
DATA, File Status Codes, Format and Display
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This suite of programs provides an example of how a mainline COBOL program can call a COBOL routine to format the two byte file status code that may contain binary data into a four byte numeric field that may be displayed. The routine will also provide a brief, one line description about the file status code. The COBOL program is written using IBM VS COBOL II dialect and should work with COBOL for MVS and COBOL/370. A JCL member is provided to run the job as an MVS batch job on an IBM mainframe or as a project with Micro Focus Mainframe Express (MFE) running on a PC with Windows.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
DATA, SORT - Simple Examples for Mainframe and Micro Focus
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This suite of programs will describe how to do use the Micro Focus SORT program with a Windows command line or Mainframe JCL. The Mainframe JCL will execute on a Mainframe System with ZOS. A small sequential file is created and then sorted.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 18K.
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This suite of programs will describe and demonstrate by example how to use a COBOL program to call the SORT program to sort the records in a data file in ascending order by the surname that is located in positions 8-22.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, ASCII/Text to Record Sequential with Variable Length Records
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The example will describe how to convert an ASCII/Text file (Line Sequential) to a Micro Focus Record Sequential file with variable length records. The COBOL program that does the file format conversion was generated using SimoTime Technology running on a Windows System and using Micro Focus technology.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 40K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Customer Master File, Programs to Create Test Data
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This suite of programs includes an overview for a suite of programs that will create a file with obfuscated names and addresses that may be used as a Customer Master File.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 60K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Customer Master File, Name and Address Files to Create Test Data
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This suite of files includes the name and address files that will be used to create a Customer Master File that may be used in a testing environment.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 600K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Customer Master File
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This suite of programs includes the following examples.
1. Create and populate a customer master file.
2. Convert between EBCDIC and ASCII encoding formats.
3. Extract data for using with a Microsoft Excel spread sheet.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Customer Master File, Hex-Dump
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Provide an individual with the ability to view a record or groups of records from a VSAM/KSDS (the Customer Master File). The output will be in a Hexadecimal-Dump format.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Customer Master File, Convert from EBCDIC to ASCII
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This suite of sample programs describes how to convert an EBCDIC encoded VSAM Key-Sequenced-Data-Set (KSDS) to an ASCII encoded VSAM Key-Sequenced-Data-Set (KSDS). This data set includes the customer name and address information and will be used as a Customer Master File.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Customer Master File, Extract Data by Field Name to CSV File
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This suite of sample programs describes and demonstrates how to extract data (specified by field name as defined in a COBOL Copy File) from a VSAM Key-Sequenced-Data-Set (KSDS) to a sequential file with a record structure of comma separated text strings. This new sequential file will include the customer name and address information that can be easily imported into an Excel spreadsheet or an Access Data Base.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Item Master File
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This suite of programs includes the following examples.
1. Create and populate an item master file.
2. Convert between EBCDIC and ASCII encoding formats.
3. Extract data for using with a Microsoft Excel spread sheet.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
DATA, VSAM & QSAM - Item Master File, Hex-Dump
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Provide an individual with the ability to view a record or groups of records from a VSAM/KSDS (the Item Master File). The output will be in a Hexadecimal-Dump format.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
DATA, Diagnostics, HEX-Dump of VSAM, KSDS
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This is an example of how a COBOL program can read from an Indexed file (or a VSAM KSDS) and write to a sequential file (ASCII/Text or Record Sequential) containing HEX dump information of a data structure with Text, Packed and Binary Data Strings (or User Defined Fields). The COBOL source code is generated using SimoTime Technologies.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
DATA, Diagnostics, HEX-Dump of Sequential File
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This suite of programs describes how to read a sequential file with 80-byte, fixed-length records and produce a file with hexadecimal dump information for each record in the file. This suite of programs will run on a Mainframe System with ZOS or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 30K.
DATA, Diagnostics, HEX-Dump of ASCII/Text File
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This suite of programs describes Sequential File I/O and HEX-Dump formatting. The programs describe how to dump the input records to an output file in Hexadecimal format. This suite of programs will run on a Personal Computer with Windows and Micro Focus COBOL. The use of the EXTFHTAB.CFG file is used to override the Micro Focus default that replaces TAB characters with SPACE characters. The COBOL programs are compiled with the ASSIGN(EXTERNAL) and the SEQUENTIAL(LINE) directives. The former provides for external file mapping of file names. The latter provides for the mapping of the SEQUENTIAL files specified in the COBOL program to LINE SEQUENTIAL (or ASCII/TEXT) files. This technique provides for the use of a single COBOL source program that uses standard COBOL/2 dialect for sequential file processing.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File Compare, A Simple Example
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This suite of programs is provided as one of the many possible solutions for comparing data files. This is a simple example that uses sequential files with 80-byte records.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File Compare, An Example of Moderate Complexity
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This suite of programs is provided as one of the many possible solutions for comparing data files. It is a Data Set Compare with moderate complexity. It will compare two VSAM, Key-Sequenced-Data-Sets (KSDS). This example does a partial record compare. The positions to be compared within a record are defined by the user. Also, it will track new or deleted records.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File Compare, Report-Oriented Files with Record OMIT
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This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate additional capabilities and advanced data file compare functions for comparing report-oriented files that contain page headers with date and time stamps and user-defined line items. The ability to conditionally omit records from the compare process and to write the results of the compare process to a log file are included.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 50K.
DATA, Data File Compare, Two Sequential Files with Eighty (80) Byte Records
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The CP80RSC3 will compare the content of two data files. Each file is a record sequential file with 80 byte, fixed length records. The positions within each record to be compared are defined at execution time within a control file. The results are written to the JES Output Spool and to a log file.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File Compare, Files with Variable-Length Records
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The VRECCP01 will compare the content of two data files. Each file is a record sequential file with variable-length records. The positions within each record to be compared may be defined within the program. The results are written to the JES Output Spool and to a log file.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File Compare Alternative, Files with Variable-Length Records
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The VRECCP03 will compare the content of two data files. Each file is a record sequential file with variable-length records. The positions within each record to be compared are defined at execution time within a specifications file (SYSUT3). The results are written to the JES Output Spool and to a log file.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 40K.
DATA, Data File Compare with Call to Convert
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When data files are transferred or shared between systems the ability to do data file compares and data processing confirmation becomes a requirement. This document and the associated test cases will describe and demonstrate a minimum set of alternatives for the compare or confirm process. This suite of programs contains a test case with a call to do record conversion prior to performing the compare function.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File Conversion with Eighty (80) Byte Records
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This suite of sample programs will show an approach to the task of File format conversion between Line Sequential and Record Sequential files. Also, record content conversion between ASCII and EBCDIC will be discussed. This example uses sequential files with 80-byte records.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File Conversion with Two-Hundred-Fifty-Six (256) Byte Records
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This suite of sample programs will show an approach to the task of File format conversion between Record Sequential and Line Sequential files. Also, record content conversion between EBCDIC and ASCII will be discussed. This example uses sequential files with 256-byte records.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, File Format and Record Content Conversion including Field Expansion
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This suite of programs includes examples for converting record content between ASCII and EBCDIC. The document describes file format conversion between ASCII/Text and Record Sequential file formats and includes examples of repositioning and expanding field sizes and record keys for indexed files.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 36K.
DATA, Data File Conversion between Comma-Separated-Value and Fixed-Field-Length
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When data is transferred or shared across a number of different systems it is often necessary to change the file format and/or the record content structure. The purpose of this suite of programs is to show an approach for preparing or converting data to be transferred or shared across systems of different architectures.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
DATA, Data File with Multiple Record Types
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This is an example of how COBOL can create and process a file containing multiple record types. The records contain a combination of text strings and numeric values stored in various formats such as signed-zoned-decimal, packed and binary.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
DATA, Data Transfer, Share, Convert and Compare
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This suite of programs includes the following examples.
1. Create and populate a sequential file.
2. Reformat the fields and create a new file.
3. Convert between EBCDIC and ASCII.
4. Extract data for using with a Microsoft Excel spread sheet.
5. Compare two data files.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 60K.
DATA, Data File Repro and Compare with IDCAMS and COBOL
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This example will use IEBGENER to create a sequential file. This file will be used by IDCAMS to populate a VSAM, KSDS. The KSDS will then be copied to a sequential file with variable length records. The first file created will then be compared to the last file created using a COBOL program. This example includes JCL members and a COBOL program. In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This suite of programs is provided as one of the many possible solutions for data file format conversion and comparison.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
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This suite of programs will describe and demonstrate how to merge multiple files of various record lengths into a single file. This package includes a job (JCL Member) that will create the test files. The techniques for merging the files will use IEBGENER, IDCAMS, SORT or ICEMAN.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 20K.
DATA, Create an Empty KSDS using Micro Focus SORT
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This suite of programs will describe how to do use the Micro Focus SORT program and a Windows command file to create an empty VSAM, KSDS Data Set. This function is similar to the DELETE/DEFINE function of IDCAMS.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 10K.
DATA, Load Information into a Repository of Information for non-Relational Data Structures
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This suite of programs will provide the process of populating (or loading information) a Repository of Information for non-Relational Data Structures. This includes sequential files, VSAM Data Sets, Partitioned Data Sets (PDS) and GDG Base definitions used by a mainframe application or group of applications. This capability and the information it provides is quite useful when supporting applications or migrating an application (source code, control information and data) from a Mainframe System to a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using Micro Focus technologies.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 64K.
DATA, Physical Structure of a Repository of Information for non-Relational Data Structures
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This document describes the physical structure (File format and record layout) for a Repository of Information for non-Relational Data Structures. This information is quite useful when supporting applications or migrating an application (source code, control information and data) from a Mainframe System to a Linux, UNIX or Windows System using Micro Focus technologies.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 64K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Numeric Fields

This group of Z-Packs contains reference materials describing various numeric formats and processing techniques used on Mainframe Systems and the Linux, UNIX and Windows Systems.

NUMBERS, Numeric Fields, Convert between Numeric Field Formats
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This suite of programs provides an example of how to convert between the various numeric formats used with COBOL and on an IBM Mainframe System. This example also illustrates how to redefine a numeric field and how to display the actual hexadecimal content of a numeric field.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 50K.
NUMBERS, Convert between Comma-Separated-Values & Fixed-Field-Length
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This suite of programs provides an example of how to convert variable-length, display-oriented numeric values separated by a delimiter character (Comma-Separated-Value) into data strings of a fixed field length format. The fixed field length may be signed or unsigned values in a display, packed or binary format.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 60K.
NUMBERS, Computational Numeric Values, a focus on COMP, COMP-3 and COMP-5
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This document (with sample programs) describes the internal format of the COMP, COMP-3 and COMP-5 numeric fields. The sample program will show techniques for displaying a field in a hexadecimal dump format .
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
NUMBERS, Commonly used Numeric Formats
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This suite of example programs will describe and demonstrate the format and size of some of the commonly used numeric fields of the COBOL programming language. This example also illustrates how to redefine a numeric field and how to display the actual hexadecimal content of a numeric field.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
NUMBERS, Space Characters in Packed Field
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This link (with sample programs) describes the anomalies of working with packed numeric fields that contain spaces. This suite of programs will build test data and discuss techniques for managing packed numeric fields and displaying a field in a hexadecimal dump format.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 58K.
NUMBERS, High Values in Zoned Decimal Field
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This link will use examples to show how to manage a situation where non-numeric values (such as high-values or X'FF') are intentionally placed in a Zoned-Decimal field and then properly managed to obtain the desired business result.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 28K.
NUMBERS, Calculate Record Counts and Summary Totals
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This suite of programs and documentation will describe and demonstrate an approach for reading a file, calculating record counts and producing summary totals for a set of pre-defined numeric fields. The approach uses two COBOL programs that were generated using SimoTime technology. The programs are generated on a Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL and may be compiled and executed on an IBM Mainframe or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus COBOL.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 28K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Shared Modules, SimoMODS Series

This group of Z-Packs and Utility Programs are a collection of modules that perform common tasks or repeatable processes for a variety of users that include application programmers, system programmers, developers and support personnel. Since the modules are used and/or shared across a number of applications and users they are referred to as the "shared modules" or "shared program members". The shared modules are divided into three (3) categories.

item Description
1 Callable Members or sub-routines, This group may have an Application or Data Orientation, the members in this category are usually callable sub-routines that perform common repeatable business or data related tasks.
2 Utility Programs, This group may have a Utilitarian Orientation, the items in this category focus on utilitarian task to assist development and support personnel to perform their daily tasks. These are usually stand alone programs that focus on a specific task or function.
3 Interface or Driver Programs, This group may have a System or Sub-System Orientation, the items in this category focus on the environment and the interaction of the various applications, sub-systems and the operating system.
  A brief Overview of the Categories for the Shared or Common Members

The program modules that are written in COBOL have been compiled with Micro Focus Net Express to create executable members. The executable members are intended for use in an ASCII-encoded environment and may be used with Net Express, Application Server or Enterprise Server running on a Microsoft Windows system. The program modules in the applications-oriented group have been ported (at the source code level) to UNIX, Linux, AS/400 and many were originally developed and continue to run on an IBM Mainframe (both ZOS and VSE).


SHARED, SIMMSG01 - Display Message and Write to Log File
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The purpose of the SIMMSG01 program is to simply display a text message on the screen and write the text message to a log file from a Windows Command File.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 12K.
SHARED, SimoMODS - the Primary Routines and Driver Programs (Executable Members for Windows)
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The SimoMODS Series is the primary collection of common callable routines and driver programs that may be used by many of the COBOL sample programs provided by SimoTime Enterprises. This z-Pack contains executable modules that have been compiled with Micro Focus Net Express. The intended use is for a system running Microsoft Windows and Micro Focus Net Express, Application Server or Enterprise Server. For the called modules a COBOL Copy File is provided to define the application programming interface or pass area.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 250K.
SHARED, SimoMODS - the Primary Routines and Driver Programs (Source Members)
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The SimoMODS Series is the primary collection of common callable routines and driver programs that may be used by many of the COBOL sample programs provided by SimoTime Enterprises. This z-Pack contains source members and documentation.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 375K.
SHARED, EZSeries or SYS1Series of Commands or Utility Programs
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The EZ Series or SYS1 Series are collections of common callable routines and/or utility programs that are start and stop processes. Commands are provided to review results of a job or group of jobs. This z-Pack contains source members and documentation.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.
SHARED, Scripted Application Build for Micro Focus Environment
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This document is an introduction or overview of the scripted application build process for an application that has been moved from a Mainframe System to a Windows system running a Micro Focus sub-system such as Enterprise Server or Studio.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 32K.
SHARED, Display to SYSOUT, Display to System Operator Console or Write-to-Log File
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This suite of programs will test and demonstrate the functions provided by the SIMOLOGS callable routine. A simple call with a request code will display a message to the User-Defined SYSOUT device, Display a message to the System Operator Console or Write a message to a User-Defined Log file.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 25K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Test Cases

This group of Z-Packs are a collection of modules that perform functional testing, feasibility testing, regression testing or Proof of Concept efforts.

Test Case 01, Data Management of Non-Relational Data Structures (Baseline)
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Test Case 01 is a single batch job that runs on an IBM Mainframe System with ZOS or a Linux, UNIX or Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Server. The batch job is a multi-step job. The 1st step will delete any output files created by a previous execution of this job. The 2nd step will read the VSAM/KSDS and create a Sequential file with information for a telephone list. The output file will be sequenced by customer number. The 3rd step will sort the file into a Last/First name sequence.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 35K.
Test Case 02, Transfer Mainframe PDS Members to a Windows Folder using FTP
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Describe and demonstrate the process of using FTP as the method for transferring all the EBCDIC-encoded members in a partitioned data set (PDS) from the mainframe System to ASCII-encoded files in a folder on a Windows System.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 58K.
Test Case 03, Compare the Content of Two NON-Relational Data Structures
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The primary objective of this test case is to describe and demonstrate how to compare (on a record-by-record basis) the content of two non-relational data structures such as a sequential file and/or a VSAM Data Set. The process for comparing two data structures should be executable on an IBM/ZOS Mainframe System or on a Linux, UNIX or Windows (LUW) System using Micro Focus Server. Also, the process should be supported in a development, test or production environment.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 42K.
Test Case 04, Data Sequencing and Report Generation
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The primary objective of this test case is to describe and demonstrate a process to sort a record sequential file and produce a report with sub-totals and final totals. A secondary objective is to describe and demonstrate how to execute the MFJSORT program (a SORT Utility Program provided within Micro Focus Enterprise Server) when the JCL specifies SORT or SYNCSORT.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 27K.
Test Case 07, SORT into ASCII or EBCDIC Sequence using ALTSEQ
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This suite of programs will describe and demonstrate by example how to sort ASCII-encoded Files into an EBCDIC collating sequence or EBCDIC-encoded files into an ASCII collating sequence using the ALTSEQ function of the Mainframe SORT or the ALTSEQ function of the Micro Focus SORT.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 27K.
Test Case 08, WIP
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Note: The zip file name is /SimoLOCK/ and the approximate size is 999K.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Products

This group of Z-Packs are the Products and Technologies that are available from SimoTime. Please contact the for access and passwords.

SIMOLIBR, The Enterprise Package for Enterprise Developer
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An Enterprise License for Application and Data Migration Technologies. This package includes SimoLYZE, SimoZAPS, SimoREC1, SimoMODS and more. This package requires a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Developer v2.1 or later.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 1.6M. *<

SIMOLIBR, The Enterprise Package for Enterprise Studio
Click here to * Download Product or return to the Table of Contents
An Enterprise License for Application and Data Migration Technologies. This package includes SimoLYZE, SimoZAPS, SimoREC1, SimoMODS and more. This package requires a Windows System with Micro Focus Enterprise Studio.
Note: The zip file name is and the approximate size is 1.6M. *<

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Summary

The preceding Z-Packs provide individual programming examples, documentation and test data files in a single package. This document may be used as a tutorial for new programmers or as a quick reference for experienced programmers.

In the world of programming there are many ways to solve a problem. This documentation and software were developed and tested on systems that are configured for a SIMOTIME environment based on the hardware, operating systems, user requirements and security requirements. Therefore, adjustments may be needed to execute the jobs and programs when transferred to a system of a different architecture or configuration.

SIMOTIME Services has experience in moving or sharing data or application processing across a variety of systems. For additional information about SIMOTIME Services or Technologies please contact us using the information in the  Contact or Feedback  section of this document.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Software Agreement and Disclaimer

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software, documentation or training material for any purpose requires a fee to be paid to SimoTime Technologies. Once the fee is received by SimoTime the latest version of the software, documentation or training material will be delivered and a license will be granted for use within an enterprise, provided the SimoTime copyright notice appear on all copies of the software. The SimoTime name or Logo may not be used in any advertising or publicity pertaining to the use of the software without the written permission of SimoTime Technologies.

SimoTime Technologies makes no warranty or representations about the suitability of the software, documentation or learning material for any purpose. It is provided "AS IS" without any expressed or implied warranty, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. SimoTime Technologies shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special or consequential damages resulting from the loss of use, data or projects, whether in an action of contract or tort, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this software, documentation or training material.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Downloads and Links

This section includes links to documents with additional information that are beyond the scope and purpose of this document. The first group of documents may be available from a local system or via an internet connection, the second group of documents will require an internet connection.

Note: A SimoTime License is required for the items to be made available on a local system or server.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Current Server or Internet Access

The following links may be to the current server or to the Internet.

Note: The latest versions of the SimoTime Documents and Program Suites are available on the Internet and may be accessed using the Link to Internet icon. If a user has a SimoTime Enterprise License the Documents and Program Suites may be available on a local server and accessed using the Link to Server icon.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The ASCII and EBCDIC Translation Tables. These tables are provided for individuals that need to better understand the bit structures and differences of the encoding formats.

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore The File Status Return Codes that are used to interpret the results of accessing VSAM data sets and/or QSAM files.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Internet Access Required

The following links will require an internet connect.

A good place to start is The SimoTime Home Page for access to white papers, program examples and product information. This link requires an Internet Connection

Explore The Micro Focus Web Site for more information about products (including Micro Focus COBOL) and services available from Micro Focus. This link requires an Internet Connection.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Glossary of Terms

Link to Internet   Link to Server   Explore the Glossary of Terms for a list of terms and definitions used in this suite of documents and white papers.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Comments or Feedback

This document was created and is maintained by SimoTime Technologies. If you have any questions, suggestions, comments or feedback please use the following contact information.

1. Send an e-mail to our helpdesk.
2. Our telephone numbers are as follows.
2.1. 1 415 763-9430 office-helpdesk
2.2. 1 415 827-7045 mobile


We appreciate hearing from you.

Table of Contents Previous Section Next Section Company Overview

SimoTime Technologies was founded in 1987 and is a privately owned company. We specialize in the creation and deployment of business applications using new or existing technologies and services. We have a team of individuals that understand the broad range of technologies being used in today's environments. Our customers include small businesses using Internet technologies to corporations using very large mainframe systems.

Quite often, to reach larger markets or provide a higher level of service to existing customers it requires the newer Internet technologies to work in a complementary manner with existing corporate mainframe systems. We specialize in preparing applications and the associated data that are currently residing on a single platform to be distributed across a variety of platforms.

Preparing the application programs will require the transfer of source members that will be compiled and deployed on the target platform. The data will need to be transferred between the systems and may need to be converted and validated at various stages within the process. SimoTime has the technology, services and experience to assist in the application and data management tasks involved with doing business in a multi-system environment.

Whether you want to use the Internet to expand into new market segments or as a delivery vehicle for existing business functions simply give us a call or check the web site at

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SimoTime Technologies and Services
All Rights Reserved
When technology complements business